On Friday the 24th of April i went to see my arch nemesis Bob Dylan live at the Sheffield Arena. Throughout my life i have been musically raped by the howling croaks of Bob's sand paper sound. So out of curiosity and to see the face behind my anguish and emotional scares i went to see the old boy (almost 70) and his zimaframe band (if you add the ages of his band it accumulates to something like 2.5 billion years old.....FACT).
The set list
1. Cats In The Well
2. It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
3. Things Have Changed
4. Boots Of Spanish Leather
5. The Levee's Gonna Break
6. Sugar Baby
7. Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum
8. Po' Boy
9. It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)
10. Make You Feel My Love
11. Highway 61 Revisited
12. Love Sick
13. Thunder On The Mountain
14. Like A Rolling Stone
15. All Along The Watchtower
16. Spirit On The Water
17. Blowin' In The Wind
Although i hate Dylan with a passion that burns like no other i secretly like the old bastard, but for Christ sake Bob if you give a shit about your fans in the slightest you'd ditch the fucking keyboard, grow a pair, grab the wood and strings and stand centre stage???
But what do i know i love OASIS
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